Thursday, December 26, 2019
Slavery The State Of Being A Slave - 1195 Words
A.) Slavery is defined as the state of being a slave, or the condition of being owned by another person and being forced to work. B.) Slavery has been going on for a very long time. It has been going on over seas and started in the US around 1619, in the colony of Jamestown, Virginia. The Slaves during that time were used to help the fields and crops such as cotton and tobacco. C.) However, slavery began long before that time. In the sixteenth century Europe traded slaves around the world. The Dutch imported slaves from Asia in to a colony in South Africa. Europe’s economy grew as they continued to sell these people around the world. D.) There are five types of slavery which include. Forced labor, bonded/debit labor, sex slavery, child slavery, and domestic servitude. E.) Although slavery is abolished in the US, there are still places all over the world with slavery. F.) Slavery is a plague that the world had throughout earlier centuries and even though it is less abundant now, it is still a problem. Paragraph Two: Address the past A.) In the colony of Jamestown, Virginia, colonists needed cheap labor to produce quantities of cotton and tobacco. It was the year 1619 where slaves were first brought in to America. B.) In the years following 1525 through 1866 12.5 million African slaves were shipped across the Atlantic into the new world. Out of that many, however, only about 10.7 million survived. C.) While slaves helped to build the united nation to what it was,Show MoreRelatedSlavery During The American Revolution Essay1523 Words  | 7 PagesSlavery was held out until 1865, but during this time period abolitionist are trying to do anything to stop slavery. The reason being is because slavery wasn’t slavery anymore. Slavery was beginning to become more advance due to technological innovation. 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